Middle aged lady presented with pain and fullness in abdomen. She was found to have two large tumor one in pelvis and another in retroperitoneal location. MRI suggestive of large liposarcoma. Tumor was found adherent to iliac vessels and ureter. She is treated successfully with surgery.
Tongue cancer are associated with post operative difficulties in swallowing and speech. With use of reconstruction we can achieve acceptable functional outcome.
'FREE NASOLABIAL FLAP BASED ON FACIAL VESSELS" is a wonderful option for tongue reconstruction specially when patient can't afford expensive other free is associated with very less morbidity with good outcome.
Chemotherapy is painful sometimes due to thrombophlebitis. Chemoport is a wonderful option for chemotherapy where we put a small device near collar bone, that is not visible outside. It can be kept for two years. Patient doesn't have major side-effects of chemotherapy related to injection. It's very comfortable for patient.we routinely recommend chemoport insertion for chemotherapy,
Breast cancer is most common cancer in India and leading cause of death in women. there days we encounter more cases in young ladies due to lifestyle changes and hormone imbalance.
"BREAST CONSERVATION SURGERY " can effectively cure cancer without affecting provide better cosmetic and psychological impact on women.
Not all the cases are suitable for conservation,but majority of them can be safely treated.
Even in advanced stage breast can be saved with use of preoperative chemotherapy.
Young lady presented with large ovarian tumor. It was cancer of ovary. She is, successfully treated with surgery and chemotherapy...
Pheochromocytoma are unusual tumor arise from adrenal gland. There are two glands located on d upper ple of kidney. These tumor causes high blood pressure, headache, palpitation. HEC was an young male presented with similar complaints. Treated successfully with surgery. Patient doing well.
Laryngeal (voice box) cancer are common cancer in India due to smoking. This patient is a chronic smoker presented with change in voice. Initially treated with radiation therapy. Residual tumor was removed by total laryngectomy with bilateral neck dissection. It was an advanced case. Throat is reconstructed with pectoralis major myocutaneous flap.
Patient did well in post operative period.
45 year old lady presented with difficulty in swallowing duecto esophageal (food pipe) cancer. Treated successfully with surgery (three stage esophegectomy). It was an extensive surgery. Patient recoverd well in post operative period without any complications.Esophageal cancer are one of the deadly cancer but can be treated effectively if treated timely.
50 year old lady presented with swelling in the neck sincec10years. It wasxa massive thyroid tumor removed successfully by surgery.. Patient is absolutely fine in post operative period
40 years old female diagnosed with esophagus carcinoma (food pipe cancer). It was an advanced case. Treated with chemo radiation followed by surgery where entire esophagus is removed and we made new esophagus with stomach.
Patient recoverd well from this deadly disease and cured.
Ovarian cancer are one of the most common gynecological cancer world wide. These tumors present in advanced stage, but can be treated effectively with preoperative chemotherapy followed by debulking surgery.
Total omentectomy nd nodal dissection is crucial to prevent recurrence.
Young male patient with extensive leukoplakia with verrucous hyperplasia due to tobacco chewing involving vboth side of lips. Wide excision with mucosal advancement flap done.
Uterine cancer are common cancer in obese females. Hormonal factors and obesity aremajor risk factors. Majority patients present with post menopausal bleeding. Complete cure is possible with surgery if diagnosed early.
This was 65 years old female with 115 kg weight diagnosed with uterine cancer. Radical hysterectomy is done. Patient recovered well in post operative period. Early diagnosis and complete radical surgery is key to cure.
73 years old obese patient (110kg) presented with mouth cancer. In view of obesity and advanced age conventional reconstruction could not be done. We did sub mental flap reconstruction. patient had very good cosmatic out come.
20 years young girl presented with radiating pain in left lower limb.pain was due to large retroperitoneal tumor compressing over nerve roots. Biopsy was suggestive of neurogenic tumor. Tumir is excised with adequate margin final histopathological examination is suggesting of retroperitoneal desmoid tumor.
Patient is fine in post operative period.
22yrs young patient present with recurrent scalp cancer (operated outside previously). It was poorly differentiated carcinoma sarcoma. Tumor was aggressive in behavior, treated with surgery and flap cover. Final HPE suggested of melanoma. Adjuvant chemotherapy followed by radiation therapy is planned.
Young male presented with past history of cancer of left cheek. Composite resection with neck dissection (COMMANDO) with flap recon done. patient did well in post operative period. This is one of the common procedure done in oncosurgery as head and neck cancer are most common cancer in India due to habbit of tobacco.
Young male with right parotid gland tumor (excised inappropriately at outside). It was a slow growing parotid cancer. Completion surgery is done with preservation of all branches of facial nerve that was a challenge in this patient in view of previous surgery.
Patient is fine in post operative period with normal facial nerve functions.
60 years old male with severe comorbid conditions (history of hypertension and stroke with hemiplegia). presented with cancer of right cheek.
Challenge was to keep procedure duration short in view of history of stroke.
We did composite resection with MND with nasolabial flap reconstruction.
Patient recovered well with good cosmatic outcome.
65 years old female came with symptoms of rectal cancer (bleeding and constipation).
She was diagnosed with cancer of rectum.
It was a low laying was done with specific devises.and tumor was removed without compromising sphincter function. Patient have good quality of life after surgery.
This is routine done procedure in our cancer centre.
70 year male presented with carcinoma mandible (jaw cancer) to our cancer centre. It was an advance malignancy. Before surgery 3 cycles chemotherapy were given thereafter surgery is done. CAMNANDO procedure done with bilobed PMMC flap reconstruction. Patient did well in postoperative period discharged on 5th post operative day after tracheostomy closure.
He is 55year old smoker male presented with cancer of undersurface of tongue. Treated with wide local excision with neck dissection (removal of lymhatic glands). Reconstruction done with Diagastric muscle flap.
59 years old male presented with bleeding per rectum. He was diagnosed with rectal cancer which was ocally advance tumor. Three cycle of chemotherapy was given after that surgery (low anterior resection) is done. Tumor was low laying and patient was apprhensive about loss of normal defecation and permanent colostomy. With the help of circular stapler we preserverd normal anal mechanism and patient is happy after surgery with nirmal quality of life.
85 years old lady presented with cancer of rt cheek. Neck was no node in d neck.Treated with surgery (CAMMANDO surgery). Reconstruction is done with submental flap... It was a good reconstructive option in view of old age with negative neck....
70 year old lady presented with post menopausal vaginal bleed. She is diagnosed with cancer of cervix ( uterine mouth). It was an early stage cancer treated with radical surgery ( wertheim hysterectomy).patient is absoluetly fine in post operative period.
55 years old lady with skin cancer ( Recurrent BCC ) . Treated with surgical removal and reconstruction with good cosmetic outcome.
60 years old lady presented with abnormal uterine bleeding and pain. She was diagnosed with uterine sarcoma. Treated with radical surgery (hysterectomy).
35 year old male with cancer of lip. And buccal mucosa. Treated with surgery. Completely cured.
Patient with mouth cancer. Two weeks after surgery and after stich removal.
Stomach cancer patient treated with surgery completly cured
Cancer of penis. Usually caused by unsafe sexual practices. Removal of penis with removal of lymph nodes from both groin area.
Few cases of large ovarian tumors. Ovarian cancers are among the few of cancer those can be treated with surgery even in advance stage. Patient have good life after surgery.
Large sarcoma of thigh (recurrent). Remooved surgically with safe margins. Skin graftig was done to cover his defect.
Case of lower jaw cancer. Adcance stage (stage 4). Treated with surgery and mandibular pkating with reconstruction. After surgery radiotherapy was given. Patient is fine afterwards.
Case of oral cavity cancer caused by tobacco surgery done with good cosmatic outcome.
35 years old young patient presented with cancer of cheek (buccal mucosa). Patient had hostory of tobbaco chewing since 15 years. Treated with Cammando procedure. Patient did well after surgery.
45 years old lady came with bleeding per vagina. Diagnosed with cercical cancer. Treated with surgery (wertheim hysterctomy)
Young female presented with bleeding in stool...its a case of colon cancer (large intestine), treated with surgery.